Use case - DEME

DEME – an internationally active dredging company – is exploring the potential to transform their split hopper barges to reduced crew and ultimately uncrewed vessels. DEME partnered with MAHI to enhance crew efficiency and the safety of navigation.
MAHI advised DEME on selection of sensor components and successfully installed a MAHI Sense and MAHI Aware UI onboard the Split Hopper Barge.
Use case - UltraTug

UltraTug – one of the leading harbour and offshore towage services providers in the Americas – partnered with MAHI to operate their tugboats remotely. The fleet of tugboats managed by UltraTug travel regularly between the major Chilean ports for their operations. UltraTug is exploring remote operation of their tugboats to alleviate the workload of onboard navigators and increase safety during manned operations.
MAHI advised UltraTug on the selection of sensor components. and installed a redundant MAHI Sense system and MAHI Aware UI onboard the workboat. MAHI is installing a Remote Operations Center on shore and training the vessel masters to remotely operate their tugboats.
Use case - Roger F. Wicker Center for Ocean Enterprise

USM’s Roger F. Wicker Center for Ocean Enterprise Facility is a research and development partnership program focused on uncrewed maritime systems and blue technology innovation.
The Roger F. Wicker Center for Ocean Enterprise of the University of Southern Mississippi has selected MAHI to deliver the MAHI Sense platform for their autonomous surface vessel to study Physical Processes in the Northern Gulf of Mexico.
The vessel is a small draft RIB intended for shallow water surveys and monitoring activities. It can be easily deployed from shore or a mother vessel and serves as an excellent platform for demonstrations, education and training of USV operators.
Find the press release of the partnership between Roger F. Wicker Center for Ocean Enterprise and MAHI here
Use case - Seasats

Seasats builds, deploys and sells autonomous boats for data collection and other maritime missions.
MAHI supplied its camera-based vessel detection algorithm, a maritime domain-specific computer vision solution, to Seasats for the US Navy’s Task Force 59 Digital Horizon exercise.
The great performance of MAHI’s technology was noticed by several participants.
Use case - RanMarine

RanMarine Technology specializes in the design and development of industrial autonomous surface vessels (ASVs) for ports, harbors and other marine and water environments. RanMarine’s mission is to design compelling technology to protect the waters across our planet.
In May of 2022, RanMarine and MAHI signed a partnership agreement to collaborate on technology innovations for unmanned vessels.
MAHI supplied its MAHI Sense product for the development of RanMarine’s recently announced MegaShark platform.
Use case - Bernico Powerboats

Bernico Powerboats produces high-end luxury and racing powerboats for global customers. Bernico’s very own racing team became UIM Pleasure Navigation World Champion in 2022 for the fifth time!
Bernico and MAHI have a long-standing relationship since their involvement as a sponsor in Project Mahi.
MAHI developed the software to control the electric thrusters through the wireless steering wheel on the prestigious Bernico Hybrid 50R owned by Jon Olsson.